Purchasing Power

March 5, 2009 by  

Sample ReportsPurchasing Power provides your purchasing department with all the tools they need to fully automate the contracting process. From entering budgets and bids to generating payment schedules this module will assist you with contract preparation and the printing of all the necessary reports and documents. Since it links with the other IBSWIN modules, it shares the common subcontractor, project, phase, and lot information. It provides a simple electronic interface to your accounting software to export your commitments and eliminate redundant data entry. Give your purchasing department the power!

Purchasing Power

Subcontractor Information

Provides master database with all pertinent information on each of the subcontractors and suppliers that you order from. It includes the ability to enter and track license and insurance information and automatically gives you expiration warnings when creating new contracts

Budgets Made Easy

Just like your current Excel spreadsheets you can easily enter your on and offsite budgets and even track any revisions. Compare your budgets to bids and to contracts already issued to determine your variances. For off-sites IBSWIN will even create a bid request sheet which can be used to solicit bidding on actual items that have been budgeted.

Bid Entry and Awarding

Enter and revise bids and easily compare them to your budgets to help you determine who to award your contracts to. Awarding a bid is a simple "click of a button" that will transfer the bid information automatically help create your contract documents.

Off-site Contracts & Change Orders

Simple entry of each line pertaining to your offsite contracts and change orders or select them from a predefined list. Generate payschedules, addendums, and/or exhibits. Provides a simple one-screen history of all the contracts and change orders issued to each sub.

Automated On-site Contracts

By entering the bid costs per plan for a specific subcontractor the system will automatically "spread" the cost to each lot and pay point. Saves time and errors. Print pay schedules breaking down your costs by lot and pay point and other contract documents.

Generate, Print, and Edit Option Purchase Orders

Simple interface to Options Plus allows purchasing to view the option orders and generate necessary purchasing reports.

Create and Print other Purchase Orders

Provides you with a simple tool for generating purchase orders and back charges.

Automatic Contract Merge with Microsoft Word

Allows you to easily print boiler plate documents and scopes of work prepared in Microsoft Word.

Available Commitment Reports

  • Contracts, change orders, and purchase orders summarized by project/phase.
  • Purchase order detail by lot.
  • Commitment detail by subcontractor.

Automated Data Interface to Construction Accounting

Currently IBSWIN has interfaces with Sage Timberline, Master Builder, and other accounting systems.

Sample Reports